Friday, April 12, 2013

Last Day (#3) of Juice Cleanse

I mange to go to Skyzone for their class called, Skyrobics—  Jenn and Parke are complete with the cleanse.  This is my last day.  I’m still feeling good.  Should have gone to bed earlier, but didn’t have trouble waking-up.  It’s probably because I knew I had to get it into high gear in the morning, take kids to school, make MEAN Green juice (since I didn't have a pre-made one to fall back on) and be out the door to Canton, MI for Skyrobics class.  Canton is 30-minutes away, just to give you a sense of time.

Much like my stunted running, my Skyrobics class was cut short because Baby Boy didn’t want to bounce in the Tot Time without me.  Luckily my friends traded watching him a bit, which consisted of sitting or holding him, as I got my jump on.

I’m somewhat physically challenged, not that I actually have any medical condition, it’s just I’m not athletic.  I never played sport as a child or even as a young adult.   Today, I was able to jump from trampoline pad to another in a relatively good pace.  This exercise touts to burn 1000 calories per workout.  For my relatively short stink, my heart rate monitor said I burned 120 calories…that was about 7-minutes of working out.  I think that works out to be around 1000 calories for the full 60-minute class.  Granted I wouldn’t be able to sustain myself for 60-minutes.

 FINALLY, I made my Mean Green Juice, which consists:  2 med granny smith; 4 large celery stalks
1 cucumber; knob of ginger;  6 leaves of kale; and ½ lemon.  It was great.  I was worried about the 4 celery ribs making it harsh, but it tasted nice.  Not too sweet and not bitter.  I’ve done the beginners green juice because—well, I’m a beginner, but it appears I can tolerate the MEAN GREEN Juice.  Whoa!  That’s exciting.  This again supports that I have done a juice cleanse before, even though I can't recall it.

Can’t believe this is the last day of my cleanse.  There wasn’t the fatigue I was expecting.  I was able to do all the things I normally do.  I might have had more energy than usual.  Drinking pure fruit juice probably had a play in that.    I set out 4 types of juices (green, fruit, red and nut-milk) to drink at various times during the day and I added chia seeds mid-day to make sure I had enough protein.

Today at 3pm- 5pm,  I did experience a lull.  I drank another tablespoonful of chia seeds mixed with my fruit juice.  I found 6oz of beet juice from another day tucked in the refrigerator, so I quickly drank that.  To keep your energy up, make sure you are “constantly” drinking.  Since I my goal wasn’t weight loss, I knew that I could drink as much juice as I wanted.  Keeping in mind, opt for more green-type juices.  You have to remember to stay hydrate too.  In addition to the 6oz of beet juice; 100% fruit concoction with chia seeds, I drank 16-oz of water.  That seems to do the trick.  

homemade cashew milk
By dinner time, I was able to continue my massive loads of laundry, microwave chicken potpie for my kids and the neighbor child.   Not only am I handling the normal things in the course of the day, but I can add one more child in the mix.  I’m feeling like super woman!  Granted our neighbor is a delight and it was a nice playdate.  Still, I’ll pat myself on the back.

Around 8pm, I’m rustling the children for shower/bath and bedtime, good-bye to our neighbor and dinner dishes into the dishwasher.   Oh did I mention I don’t have help tonight because it’s the second Thursday of the month, when my hubby goes to beer tasting at Arbor Brewing Company.  I’m doing this all alone.  Luckily everyone was cooperative—meaning the kids bathe themselves and I enjoyed my last bit of homemade cashew milk.  Most people might enjoy a nice glass of wine, I’m enjoying a nut milk. 

That concludes my 3-day juice cleanse. YAY!  It was a success.  I had energy, it felt good doing it and I think my body liked it.  I wonder what my first meal should be?  I know it will be something somewhat healthy…maybe a salad…

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