Wednesday, March 13, 2013

first day

I’m going to try this blogging thing.  I’m inspired by all the wonderful people in my lives and also by my sweet daughter and devilish son who asked, “Why do you go to all those classes?”  It was a thought-provoking question.  There are many reasons I do it.  To occupy my time by doing something creative; to get out of the house after being home all day; learning something that people wish they know how to do.  I don’t think I want to become a florist.  I don’t think I want to be a print-maker. I don’t want to be a chef. I don’t want to be a baker or cake decorator.  BUT I do know I like to impress people with my creations and knowledge.  At this point in my life I have the luxury of being able to squeeze some classes with great teachers—people who are in the business, who are willing to share their talents, knowledge and secrets with the general public.

There is a part of me that thinks I have an idyllic life.  I sometimes am afraid to say that because it’s like I’m tempting the gods.    I have three healthy and in general terms, good children.  I have been married for 18-years to a supportive and sometime funny man.  I live in a city that’s been on the top 100 cities to live for countless amount of years.   The city that I like so much that I rarely leave its boundaries and it is a running joke among my friends.

I will document the various classes I take and the products / outcomes of these classes.  Sometimes there a things that my friends have created and shared with me. 

My first creation will be my wheatgrass filled baskets.  It’s almost Easter, not exactly, but in order to have the grass ready for egg coloring party, I’m starting to think about it.   Photo above is last year's baskets.  In the up-coming weeks, I'll give you the how-to's so you can make one of your own.